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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

First Fish On a Fly


New member
Oh Dear. My wife is now going to see way less of me. Had the day off from work today and decided after a week or so of lawn practice it was time to actually wet a a line. Went to a local lake and manage to catch a small grass carp and a smallie on the fly. Both of them fell to a foam beetle dropped right under some over hanging trees. Alot of fun
WTG tommyboy! Wait till you have a large trout rise to your fly. I can see your marriage suffering in the future. If you get into fly tying it's all over.

WTG tommyboy! Wait till you have a large trout rise to your fly. I can see your marriage suffering in the future. If you get into fly tying it's all over.


Seriously, I already have to be very careful. Im obsessed with striper fishing and have been for several years. I decided to start fly fishing freashwater as it will allow me to do what I love (fish) while spending time with the family on camping trips and hikes. Standing on the end of a rock jettie at 3 in the morning is not really a family activity. Not to say you wont find me doing it as there are few comparison to hooking a large bass on a plug, but I think this style of fishing is probably going to be a better way to introduce the little one to the sport in a few years. Then the wife will be in big trouble:)
Giving her money to go shopping helps.

If you're ever in my neck of the woods (Flatbrook) let me know.

Congrats on your fish! Beetles and any terresterial can be deadly during these summer months. I agree with CDog, give money to the wife to occupy time.

I spend a great deal of time on the water and give my man money for guitar strings, computer items and the like in order to keep him from complaining about my lack of whereabouts on the weekend, early evenings, vacation days....
Congrats on your fish! Beetles and any terresterial can be deadly during these summer months. I agree with CDog, give money to the wife to occupy time.

I spend a great deal of time on the water and give my man money for guitar strings, computer items and the like in order to keep him from complaining about my lack of whereabouts on the weekend, early evenings, vacation days....

What! All these single fly fishermen around and you find a guy that doesn't fish???

Seriously, I already have to be very careful. Im obsessed with striper fishing and have been for several years. I decided to start fly fishing freashwater as it will allow me to do what I love (fish) while spending time with the family on camping trips and hikes. Standing on the end of a rock jettie at 3 in the morning is not really a family activity. Not to say you wont find me doing it as there are few comparison to hooking a large bass on a plug, but I think this style of fishing is probably going to be a better way to introduce the little one to the sport in a few years. Then the wife will be in big trouble:)
Not only the style of fishing a better way of introducing the sport to your kid. YOU my friend will intro your kid to a LIFELONG pursuit of excellence with nature and the knack of study with nature. Providing, that is, YOU! become educated enough to lead him thru this process. Give him what he needs to accomplish this task. Lead thru example. You will grow with him within it. I did with my dad. It made us close, and has kept us that way for over 40 years. Good luck with your passion and your endevours.
Just to clarify. I will be introducing HER to the sport. :). Your right guys. Fishing does create a unique bond between two people. It was lucky enough to share it with my Dad. Unfortunatly, we both live on opposite side of the globe so fishing togeather these days is something that is few and far between. But it is somthing that I am truly gratefull to have spent time with him doing when I was a kid. Fishing teaches you alot about life and yourself. I would not be without it and neither will my kid.

My Dad introduced me to the art, I like to consider it more of an art than a sport, really a challenge sometimes...but I digress. We have the best of times together and I have really come to know my Dad in a whole new light. We just spent almost a week together up at the Farmington, where he hooked into a nice big rainbow and I couldn't tell if his smile or mine was the biggest. My time spent on the river gives me a new perspective every time and I agree with TommyboyNJ that it is a life lesson and I too wouldn't trade it for the world...well maybe when my waders get leaky....