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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

Dam removal on Acquetong creek.


Too many streams too little time
Got this email from my TU chapter this week. Looks like we may have some fishing close to home in a few years....pretty cool

Dear Paul, *

*****I'm pleased to report that at the Solebury Township supervisor's meeting this past Tuesday, the supervisors voted unanimously to breach Aquetong Lake dam and restore a free flowing stream.* So it looks like brook trout really will be returning to Aquetong Creek.* The supervisors decision still needs to be voted on and approved by the Commissioners of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, but I do not believe they will stand in the way of Solebury Township's decision.
**** I will be certain to keep you*updated on this issue in the coming weeks and months.
good to hear, Is there a launch site that i can put my pontoon boats in? If not TU should work on that
The speed at which dam removals are being recognized as highly beneficial to rapidly disappearing native fish and to overall drinking water quality is amazing. Unfortunately, it just happens to coincide with our federal government cutting back funding in a huge way on these types of grants. Right now, new dam removal projects don't even make sense due to a complete lack of funding. Only the owners themselves can fund them for the most part. Let's hope the Farm Bill gets passed and USFWS doesn't get gutted any further.

Large scale funding programs like NOAA fisheries' Open Rivers Initiative are already gone....