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California set to impose harsh new regulations on Recreational Fishing.

This comes as no surprise. It's commiefornia for a reason. This is what happens when all those peace loving hippies,who spit on returning veterans, get into office and think they hold the power.

Government is for the people by the people. It is lost on many in commiefornia. No sane person who actually appreciates and enjoys freedom would live there.
classic Ctobias post right there. Love it. Beetle up next with an overly lengthy and off topic rebuttal?
classic Ctobias post right there. Love it. Beetle up next with an overly lengthy and off topic rebuttal?

I really have nothing to add to this, but to point out the irony.

California is criticized for a number of things in the article, including its decision not to continue stocking programs that supported private, warm water hatcheries with state tax dollars.

So, with one less government program on the books, Tobias calls em Commies?

Ok... but the argument of the author of the article is that the state funded stockings are a good government program, ans that California is wrong for moving towards a sustainable wild fishery.

The decision to ban some fishing gear, such as lead split shot, in support of a wild fishery shouldn't be so offensive to those who understand the nature of the complaint. The author is complaining about there being less government subsidies for fishing. The state is withdrawing, not intervening, and that is the issue here.
I really have nothing to add to this, but to point out the irony.

California is criticized for a number of things in the article, including its decision not to continue stocking programs that supported private, warm water hatcheries with state tax dollars.

So, with one less government program on the books, Tobias calls em Commies?

Ok... but the argument of the author of the article is that the state funded stockings are a good government program, ans that California is wrong for moving towards a sustainable wild fishery.

The decision to ban some fishing gear, such as lead split shot, in support of a wild fishery shouldn't be so offensive to those who understand the nature of the complaint. The author is complaining about there being less government subsidies for fishing. The state is withdrawing, not intervening, and that is the issue here.[/QUOTE]

The question is why is it in direct violation of this.

Traditional Lead Fishing Tackle Protected By Law
In December 2014, President Obama signed into law a provision to prohibit federal funds from being used to regulate lead fishing tackle and ammunition under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). This provision was included in the omnibus federal spending bill. The American Sportfishing Association, which strongly supported this action, has been working for the past several years on passage of similar legislation that will provide a permanent exemption for traditional fishing tackle. The spending bill’s text exempting lead fishing tackle and ammunition from regulation under TSCA can be . ASA staff will continue working towards a permanent exemption for traditional fishing tackle in the upcoming Congress. For more information, contact Government Relations Coordinator

The problem I have with this is if this passes it opens the door to other gear that can me deemed as toxic to the environment. Such as tippet material, ( mono) PVC coated fly lines, The uses of synthetic waders, materials in the construction of lures and flies The past has proven the Anties will go to any lengths try ban hunting and now fishing. They know they can not get either directly banded, so they attack the tools that sportsmen use for fishing and hunting. It is out there PETA and The Sierra Club were the main lobbyist for these regulations.

As far a private stocking. If you owned a pond, lake, or stretch of a stream, would you want the Government to tell you that you can not stock it. If this law were put into effect in NJ The fishing clubs on the Musky and South branch would effectively be shut down with the swipe of a Pen. Shannons and The Musky Tout hatchery did a good thing last year. We all benefitted from the quality of fish and the enjoyment that they gave us. Ask yourself this; If that law proposed was in NJ, or any of the states in the North East would you feel the same?
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In fishing the catskills for 20 years I've had my license checked under 5 times. If the rules get dumb enough the masses will just break them with no consequences. Our river are largely regulated by other anglers who must then get the attention of enforcement officials when they view something as being wrong. PVC line, wader material, ect won't be taken seriously by other anglers
California is a lost cause. I can say that because I'm originally from there and still have family there. The kooks took over long ago and there is no turning that state around. NJ isn't that far behind, but we are actually better off.
In fishing the catskills for 20 years I've had my license checked under 5 times. If the rules get dumb enough the masses will just break them with no consequences. Our river are largely regulated by other anglers who must then get the attention of enforcement officials when they view something as being wrong. PVC line, wader material, ect won't be taken seriously by other anglers

The article that started this thread is a rant published by a political lobbyist.

His beef is with California's decision to stop using tax dollars to buy warmwater hatchery fish - from private corporations - for stocking programs.

He also is lobbying for manufacturers of lead based split shot.

Those are the issues, folks.
I hate to wade into this quagmire but there are a couple of things that haven't been mentioned that also play into this. The federal law mentioned only applies to federal law, states can regulate as they see fit. California has had additional toxic materials regulations for years, ever noticed the little note on a product saying something along the lines of "this product contains a material known by the State of California to cause cancer"? That is euphemistically known as a Prop 22 warning or notice. There is a specific name for the regulation that escapes me at the moment but it allows California to add additional regulation of materials that their scientists deem a threat as a carcinogen or reproductive toxin. There is a list of materials that either can not be sold in California, must be labeled or only present below a specified concentration. If you are a manufacturer whose products MIGHT end up for sale in California and contain a material or materials on the list you must have the label on your product. And yes lead is one of the big ones, not to mentions materials used in construction of modern rods. The federal TSCA regulations can be considered the minimum level of regulation, states are allowed to require additional regulation a some do. It is just that California has made an industry out of it, there are entire law firms devoted to catching manufacturers who intentionally or unintentionally sell products that contain one or substances on the list. I won't comment on the stocking argument since I don't know the details of the situation. I will say that given the current dearth of water stocking arguments seem to be a second or third tier issue.

I hate to wade into this quagmire but there are a couple of things that haven't been mentioned that also play into this. The federal law mentioned only applies to federal law, states can regulate as they see fit. California has had additional toxic materials regulations for years, ever noticed the little note on a product saying something along the lines of "this product contains a material known by the State of California to cause cancer"? That is euphemistically known as a Prop 22 warning or notice. There is a specific name for the regulation that escapes me at the moment but it allows California to add additional regulation of materials that their scientists deem a threat as a carcinogen or reproductive toxin. There is a list of materials that either can not be sold in California, must be labeled or only present below a specified concentration. If you are a manufacturer whose products MIGHT end up for sale in California and contain a material or materials on the list you must have the label on your product. And yes lead is one of the big ones, not to mentions materials used in construction of modern rods. The federal TSCA regulations can be considered the minimum level of regulation, states are allowed to require additional regulation a some do. It is just that California has made an industry out of it, there are entire law firms devoted to catching manufacturers who intentionally or unintentionally sell products that contain one or substances on the list. I won't comment on the stocking argument since I don't know the details of the situation. I will say that given the current dearth of water stocking arguments seem to be a second or third tier issue.


The reproductive toxins, they're clearly not working.
The article that started this thread is a rant published by a political lobbyist.

His beef is with California's decision to stop using tax dollars to buy warmwater hatchery fish - from private corporations - for stocking programs.

He also is lobbying for manufacturers of lead based split shot.

Those are the issues, folks.

But really that's not the whole story. You can create whatever context you want but the reality is the state is over reaching (shocker) Im many areas. One example. The article here points to the state forbidding the counties to stock thier own lake in order to protect the red legged frog. I wonder how the science determined this was a threat.

Captain’s Log: With Trout Stocking Program Halted at Lake Cachuma, Community Feels Ripple Effects
So is there consensus here?

What do you Republicans think?

Is banning lead shot another example of liberal tyranny?

With all kidding aside. Make an argument with definitive evidence on why fishing devices containing lead are hazardous to an aquatic echo system. I have looked. I have found no verification to support the proposed regulations merit. The only logical conclusion I can surmise is this is the first step to get the ball rolling on banning recreational fishing in CA. Prove me wrong.

Personal I have been using nontoxic split shot for a few years now. I adamantly believe it should be a choice not a regulation.
IMHO: We don't need California any more.
Normalizing relations with Cuba, will give the Commies a place to go, and be with their own kind.
We should sell it to Mexico (or pay them to take it off our hands).

George Bush Sr. was a good President.

That was just about when the Republican Party went insane and gave up the idea of serious candidates.

And not to be outdone, the Democrats quickly responded by running Hillary against Barack for a total freak show. This year they will double down and run Hillary against Elizabeth.
More importantly I wonder who mandated that pipelines be buried......
26 birds in a 5 year span over 6 state that equates to less then 1 a year per state. So 50 birds a year nation wide. Thousands of birds are killed by wind turbines a year in California alone. That is a weak argument for the ban.

Hey, you claimed that you had seen NO evidence that lead weights were hazardous to the ecosystem. I didn't say it was great or small, just that it was and here was the evidence he was asking for.

edited to remove Mac as the poster.
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Hey, Mac claimed he had seen NO evidence that lead weights were hazardous to the ecosystem. I didn't say it was great or small, just that it was and here was the evidence he was asking for.

Really when did I write that?
Hey, you claimed that you had seen NO evidence that lead weights were hazardous to the ecosystem. I didn't say it was great or small, just that it was and here was the evidence he was asking for.

edited to remove Mac as the poster.

Did you read the who post or just what you could use?

I have found no verification to support the proposed regulations merit.

I believe I was very specific.
George Bush Sr. was a good President.

That was just about when the Republican Party went insane and gave up the idea of serious candidates.

I've been arguing with my insurance company, that is trying to nickel and dime me to death, for the last 3 days. Please explain to me why and how our current prez is not an incompetent and pompous asshole?
IMHO: We don't need California any more.
Normalizing relations with Cuba, will give the Commies a place to go, and be with their own kind.
We should sell it to Mexico (or pay them to take it off our hands).


Sell to Mexico? At this point, Mexico is gonna eminent domain our asses and just take it.