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  • Dear Moderator,

    I just wanteed to make you aware of a post I put up in the Saltwater forum regarding a fly created for charity available through an reputable online dealer in California. As my post indicates, I created the fly as an inspiration of a good friend's son stricken with brain cancer. I presented the dealer with the fly and asked if they would be open to making it available in their catalog, with a portion of the proceeds being donated to their local Children's Hospital. The Fly Shop in Redding California agreed and I just thought I would pass it on to my firends in the fly fishing community. My sole intent in to tell Tanner's story and make those in the fishing community aware of what they can do to help other children like him. Should I have over-stepped my bounds, please do not hesitate to contact me at philip.metz@genworth.com.
    Thank you.
    Philip Metz
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