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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

You and a friend are confronted by a large Grizzly Bear

With all this talk of guns and spray, I'll tell you fellas an unbelievable, but true story. I was back in the old country (in the Balkans) a few years ago, and while I was there, visited two of my cousins in the hospital, who were finishing up a month stint after being mauled by an 800lb brown bear. People are poor there, so they protect what little that they have, in their case, a honey operation that was being repeatedly trashed by a bear. The preferred method is to rig an older double-barrel shotgun to go off both barrels at the same time. So, they laid in ambush, and when the bear appeared, they let it get to within 10ft, and then tried to give it both barrels (this is how they hunt boar also). Well, the gun misfired, didn't go off. The gun was ancient not kept in good repair. So what did these crazy mofos do? They fought the thing with knives when it charged. Yes knives. Both were sent to intensive care with some severe wounds. They're pretty scarred up now, and my younger cousin has a big bald spot on the side of his head from where his scalp was torn off. The bear was found dead about a mile away, and is now a rug in their house.

So they won!