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Don't let the high water stop ya

Mark Griffin

New member
This morning our local weatherwoman said, "It seems like we only have two seasons anymore. Winter and the monsoon season." How appropriate!:)

When we get heavy rain I just think small, smaller, smallest for streams to fish. Parts of the Poconos got 4"+ of rain yesterday. Carbon County must have gotten less, 'cuz the stream I was on today was in really good shape at 62°. I thought I was gonna have a dream day, but I didn't move that many fish. I did manage to land a few on a beadhead dropper.

If the streams and rivers are blown out, try those little tribs or the headwaters of your favorite streams. At this time the trout are sometimes eager to grab anything that looks edible. You don't have to worry about spookin' 'em, that's for sure.

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Morning Nymphing

I'm headin out to a small stream near me in the morning that has browns about that size. Some rain, not alot here in Warren Co., so smaller streams are in perfect condition. But that could all change if the remnents of Charlie head up here like they say it will. So that's why I'm gonna hit it in the morning, before the rains come again because it wont take much to raise even the smaller streams and creeks.:D
John, got a measured 20 1/4 brown with a huge kype out of the pool I showed you. It was last night and the creek was cloudy but he took a sz 12 Stimulator. Missed another good one this morning, had em on for about 2 seconds and he was heavy.
I agree, Mark your posts are great to read and see. Do you use a digital and if so what type? hope you don't mind me asking.
Andre said:
John, got a measured 20 1/4 brown with a huge kype out of the pool I showed you. It was last night and the creek was cloudy but he took a sz 12 Stimulator. Missed another good one this morning, had em on for about 2 seconds and he was heavy.
Andre, I went there about noon, water was clear and could see almost every Trout in that run. Also saw your fish with the huge kype, but I also saw at least three Browns in there that were at least 17in. or better. Anyway I managed to catch five Trout, two on Terestrials,and three more on a size12 ISO nymph. Now just waitin to see how Charley is going to mess things up.:D
Thanks guys. My whole life revolves around trout fishing. I take what ever nature gives me with a smile and I can always find someplace good to fish, whether it's drought or flood.

Prior to this spring I used a waterproof APS film camera, a Canon Elph Sport. Now I use a Pentax Optio S digi. It's very small, so it's always within easy reach. Of course, the photo quality is not as good as a larger more expensive camera, but it's more than adequate.
Nice Fish Mark!I agree ,don't let the high water fool you.I am not talking about trying to wade in raging water,like the main stem is currently,I crossed over the Big D today at Port Jervis and the river was blown out,flood stage and brown.I am also talking about the smaller feeder streams,sometimes large fish move up into smaller streams during high water to escape the current,also larger fish feel safe from predators when the water is high and off color and gorge themselves on the disorientated baitfish. I hooked one of the largest rainbows in my life in fast,high,offcolor water on a big stonefly nymph,it broke off but it was a very nice fish.Be careful out there.
Those are real nice photo's for sure. Very pretty Brown.

Andre the fish you are talking about are great fish anywere you can fish. I may have to get back there just to see what you folks have to offer in this day and age. LOL.