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Search results

  1. G

    Hendrickson Nymph Patterns

    I've never fished the Hendrickson hatch and I will be fishing the Kettle Creek, PA, area in the spring. I have no patterns for the nymphs. Anyone care to give me some patterns or tell me where I can find some? I'd be very appreciative.
  2. G

    7 1/2' nymphing leader formula

    I use a 9' rod and the nymph leaders I build usually come out to 10' or more and I think they don't need to be that long. I fish the small to medium size streams of PA and I'm looking for a good 7 1/2' leader. Thanks, Bruce
  3. G

    Midge Pupa, Sizes

    What is the average hook size of midge pupas here in PA? It seems I read one time they are 20s and 22s. Can anyone help me out on this? Thanks, Bruce
  4. G

    rusty spinners

    What mayflies have rusty spinners? Is there a list of them. Not all spinners are rusty colored. This confuses me. This year one night while fishing sulphurs I was getting a lot of rejections. I looked closely at the water and there was a rusty spinner on the water. Of course I had none with me...
  5. G

    Fall BWO Emerger Size

    I am tying my BWO Emergers on a size 22, 2488 TMC hook. I just wonder what other people are tying on in PA and the Northeast for this hatch. Maybe we could share some patterns. I'm sorry if this was previously discussed. Bruce
  6. G

    Fly tying database

    Where is the link for the fly tying database? Believe it or not, I can't find it. Oh, I'm going to take a beating with this question.:crap:
  7. G

    What's Up?/ AJ Skim

    I have just begun posting here again and I'm wondering who AJ Skim is and why is there a poll about him? Is he the Grinch That Stole Christmas? Is this just for fun? Bruce
  8. G


    I use a Clinch Knot for connecting flies to tippet. But several times during this trico season using 7x my knots have slipped. Is there a better knot for smaller tippet or is the Clinch knot good enough? Thanks, Bruce