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PETA Anti-Fishing Campaign


sometimes you've got to go look for nothin'
This anti-fishing campaign has been bothering me for a while and I was bored this evening so I figured I'd get up on my soapbox and put this out there to get some feedback from y'all


Seriously, WTF? Of all the animal-related issues to take up -- PETA wants to go after fishermen? How about the vast, cruel, and disease infested "swine-industrial complex?" (This coming from someone who LOVES all things pig-related as well as just about every other edible animal out there with perhaps the exception of jellyfish...I just can't stomach them)

It seems to me that even your 'average fisherman' (on this site or otherwise) understands that he/she is entrusted not only to be a caretaker of the waters fished and the inhabitants of those waters (even if the fish are kept time-to-time) -- but more importantly, fishermen are the caretakers of tradition.

Fishing (esp fly fishing) is wonderful because it immediately and simultaneously engages us with biology, geography, geology, topography, and history (to name a few). It teaches us to be patient and thoughtful and helps put us in touch with a deeper, subconscious hunter ancestry (Like 1000's of years not just a few generations) and gets us off our butts, off our computers, out of range of cell-phone service, and into clean, breathable air.

PETA going after fishermen is similar to their attack on foie gra. It's like slow-pitch softball style advocacy. These are soft-targets. If they were committed to real change they'd focus on the real, serious problems that need to be solved.

Not some fluffy bullshit about how "...this [campaign] can help fathers realize that they are setting a destructive and callous example for children, who are inherently compassionate and fond of animals and who, sooner or later, will begin to understand that their dads callously contribute to the suffering and deaths of bright and sensitive beings."


Thank you and f-you PETA. :)
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Man was charged with dominion over the animals.

P eople
E ating
T asty
A nimals

This is what happens when a society becomes to complex for it's own good.
And another thing, Until Obama is sucessful in creating a global agreement on environmental pollution (good luck); all our manufacturing jobs will continue to go to Mexico & CHina where they don't worry about things like that.

I personally believe that fishing does hurt the fish.

I also believe that bolt guns and those castrating machines hurt cattle.

I believe that calves hate being cooped up in those veal boxes.

I'm pretty sure it hurts ducks and geese to be force fed to fatten up their livers.

But most importantly, I love fishing, a thick steak, veal chops and Fois Gras so I guess that means I don't give a rat's ass.

Crap, I'd eat Flipper or a whale if you harpooned them and plated them up nicely!

BTW - I do pray every single night that some day, a PETA person will decide to give me :holy: when I'm fishing.