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snare traps for bears

golden beetle

Active member
What's the the story with snare traps for bears?

Sounds pretty awful to me, as I just received an email from change.org to sign a petition against it.

Anybody know anything about this?
I got that email as well and it is pure BS. You cannot trap or snare bears in NJ. That said, there have been times where the Division has used both to catch trouble bears that need to be euthanized. Just more liberal propaganda to get the clueless upset about hunting/fishing/trapping.
I got that email as well and it is pure BS. You cannot trap or snare bears in NJ. That said, there have been times where the Division has used both to catch trouble bears that need to be euthanized. Just more liberal propaganda to get the clueless upset about hunting/fishing/trapping.

Sounds like you can't use a snare on a bear.
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Change.org? I'm down with change, 2 years to go. The division uses snares to tag bears also. They use bacon soaked in molasses as bait, which sounds and smelled delicious. I once ran across a snared bear while riding my MTB in the woods. The biologist showed up and I helped him tranq it, draw blood, pull a tooth, tattoo its inner lip, and tag it. Pretty cool. He also had 2 dogs that were bred to chase bear, black mouthed Currs I think? All I know is that these 2 mild-mannered dogs were all over this bear the minute it started coming to. The guy told me that the libs and and PETA aholes have tried to set his truck on fire when he gets called to deal with problem bears. Sometimes he needs a police escort. Skinny, emaciated, hippy vegans throwing moltov cocktails. I told him to just sic the dogs on them.