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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

Little Fish get a Big Boost

Do you think that a 20% catch reduction will do it...it is a good start, and out of curiosity, how do they measure the catch and know that they have measured it all....I am sure some catches slip through the cracks....it must be difficult to measure some 180,000 metric tons of bunker....
A 20% reduction is better than a zero percent reduction. Time will tell if it was enough. However, many of the groups working for this feel it is definitely a big plus. This is the fist coastwide reduction on the fishery ever and the 20% is the average over the last years. This comes to a 25% reduction from 2011.

Measuring fish catch is science of sorts. Various data from log books, surveys & observations along with other sources of information from the industry & the states are used to come up with the catch. If anything, the complaint you'll sometimes hear is NOAA underestimates the fish stocks and overestimates the catch.