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ASMFC Atlantic Menhaden Management Board Meeting

This sounds bogus to me. From what I just read; they do not know what the current size of the population is. Or if there is a definite problem with current harvest quotas. It sounds to me like the EPA is creating another problem where none exist. How can you go on the record suggesting there is a decline in population depending on what data point you observe? What the hell kind of science is that. Fix your bogus or inclusive data before you try to pass an Amendment that may affect people’s lively hoods. This is just another fine job the government in indulging in. Ok I am done with my rant.
Ok I am done with my rant.
There is a huge problem with bunker stocks being decimated. Overfishing is just one of them. Not fixing the quotas can have an even greater impact on peoples livelihoods. These are fish that have been labeled "the most important fish in the sea" since they are at the bottom of the food chain and are a major food source to many other commercially valuable species. By its very nature, fisheries management is mostly science but yet part art. Studied and observed data show that bunker (menhaden) are in a serious decline.

In order to protect the balance of the food web, forage species need protection. Overfishing to produce pet food, fertilizer and other products imperils many other ocean species from bluefish to whales.
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