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Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!

Search results

  1. S

    Here is a mayfly ID challenge for you

    Can you ID this larva ??? Genus should be pretty easy :) Lets make this a fun challenge Here are the 2 major clues; you can ask for more clues later on. The 8th lateral projection on the abdomen is shorter than the 9th, and there is a yellow triangle near the middle of the head. This one...
  2. S

    Mayflies you will likely encounter in NE America and Canada

    1; ​This is a typical Baetis or BWO mayfly. They range in their body color from pale olive to dark olive. Sizes most commonly fished are; # 14 - # 18 and smaller. They are from the swimming group and can live in all stream conditions. Their water preference; is softer slower waters like...
  3. S

    Mayflies for ID

    If anybody has a photo of a mayfly and they would like to know what it is. I would be happy to try to help you with it. I enjoy trying to solve a puzzle or two.