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Search results

  1. Bruce Edward Litton

    Line for St. Croix Avid 7-wt Medium Actioin

    Wondering if anyone can help me choose a good line. My first intention for my St. Croix is the South Branch, not for trout, not a 7 wt for that, but smallmouth bass, since there are some big ones I'm after. My second intention--it will come later--is the Salmon River in NY for steelhead. If I...
  2. Bruce Edward Litton

    Help W/Flyrise Drag

    No directions w/our new Flyrise 3 reels on how the drag works, nor could I find any instructions online. Have never needed a drag fly fishing, besides once w/a guide. There's a knob on the right when the reel is positioned to reel from the left, loosens & tightens, but the spool does not give...
  3. Bruce Edward Litton

    Fly Fished Redfish

    My son & I fly fished redfish behind Isle of Palms, SC, recently. The first one I hooked was more than 10 pounds, the largest fish I've ever had on a fly rod. Here the water was clear; I saw the fish approach with two others just as big. Since we had been practicing our double hauling on a...
  4. Bruce Edward Litton

    Weed Killer Affects Lake Musconetcong & River...

    https://www.google.com/#q=lake+musconetcong+suffers+weed+killer Agree with me or not, I'm convinced the weed killer in Lake Musconetcong destroys the lake and makes the situation worse for the Musconetcong River below. Read the article I posted the link to. The water is ugly. Surely it's...
  5. Bruce Edward Litton

    Fisher Cats in NJ

    One of my brother's wife & daughter sighted a fisher cat in Wall Twnsp. It's a large member of the weasel family, sort of like a wolverine, made high pitched cries. They ran home & looked it up online, amazed. This specie was extinct in NJ, due to all the clear cutting for iron mining, 1800's...
  6. Bruce Edward Litton

    Fly Line Choice

    I just bought a TFO Signature 6 ft, 2 weight rod & Ross Flyrise, thanks to Brk Trt, and I'm not sure which 2 weight line to buy for the reel, other than it should be a floating tapered line. What brand does anyone suggest? Even though I've fly fished some since I was 10, I'm still a novice at...
  7. Bruce Edward Litton

    Ammonium Nitrate Spill South Branch Raritan

    I got word today from Raritan River Headwaters Association that 4500 gallons of ammonium nitrate spilled into the S. Branch below Califon. A farmer was having his fertilizer tank filled. What will this do to trout and smallmouth bass, I wonder? The news flash from RRHA didn't say, but that it is...
  8. Bruce Edward Litton

    Paulinskill Gorge

    Has anyone fly fished the Paulinskill Gorge? I'm thinking of hiking in, in May. How long & strenuous to get to it? Are there enough holdover and wild browns for good fishing despite the lack of stocking projected for this spring?