Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!
Somebody's feeling feisty! Must have been that Moosekid comment about me owning you. (In reality, I wouldn't even rent you.):)
I think the problem we're having here is that when you say, "the left," you mean the Democratic establishment.
When I hear "the left" I think about an opening in the...
What's the question here? Does he donate gazillions of dollars to liberal causes and the Democratic party? Is that the question? Everybody knows that to be true. Who's silly? You're silly.
Is he a darling of left-leaning Americans? The answer is no. He's a behind-the-scenes money guy.
not the point macboob - I have no love for the guy as I already said. Nor does the left actually. The truth is, nobody cares about this guy except for glen beck, who mounted an insane conspiracy theory against him for years.
Huh... does anybody make that claim except for Ann Coulter and other right wing nutjobs? Just curious.
I don't love George Soros, but as far as I'm aware, he was 14 when it happened and he really had no choice if he wanted to survive. To compare that to the Koch brothers doesn't make any sense.
Not offended Mac. Plenty honest with myself.
The video's not worth our time, I'm saying. NEFF on the other hand, can be worth our time. Depends partly on people not using it to air everything they find on the internet that they find interesting or politically agreeable.
If Beetle or I or any...
Macfly you're only weighing in because you agree with this particular message. So predictable. You bear more than a passing resemblance to a wind-up toy. Boob boob boob. Bang the cymbals. Get your butt hurt about something somebody says. Repeat.:)
you guys are making the drake look good. I remember when Tobias turned this site into a crappy facebook page full of half-baked conspiracy theories and spoon fed memes for gullible libertarian types. that was a long winter here on NEFF.
I got nothing against a political debate but this stuff...
I'm in too.
Spread the word. Gotta be a couple thousand fishermen out there who will chip in for a giant undeveloped piece of the Adirondacks.
Come to think of it, I know these Islamic guys out near Deposit I can ask, see if they're interested as well.
I have caught smallmouth in the Delaware river, any where along central and northern NJ...I found them in deep rapids mostly...but I claim no expertise in things of this sort. Good luck!
end of communication. protocol fulfilled. this post will self-destruct in 10,9,8....
Just bowled in Hancock a few weekends ago on a rainy Saturday. Which I think may unfortunately prove your theory. Rolled in in my skinny jeans with a friend who is permanently baked and has been known to wear sunglasses in bed. I forgot to bowl ironically and instead got really competitive and...
Harder to get people all hysterical about that. And who do I vote for if I'm irrationally scared of traffic? Tougher call.
Anyway, yeah you're like a million trillion times more likely to get run over a taxi than for you contract ebola, or jihadi axe wounds, or plane flying into tower-itis, or...
Can't stand Cuomo. He's a cynical jerk with his eye on the white house rather than on his New York State constituents.
Lesser of two evils maybe, but sometimes you've got to vote with your heart, which means I probably won't vote at all.
What would you all say to increasing foot access at several points on the lower river or lower EB? Similar to gamelands - a parking lot where you have to walk in.
I'm guessing this is a wildly unpopular idea for the guides on this board, but here's the case for it:
a) The lower river...
Well, plenty of other water open till the end of November, or beyond. Only C&R, but we're all civilized here so that goes without saying. You gotta check the county specific regulations for your water of choice.
Given I've got another whelp on the way, I think this might be the year I get stir...