Welcome back to the new NEFF. Take a break from Twitter and Facebook. You don't go to Dicks for your fly fishing gear, you go to your local fly fishing store. Enjoy!
The Cranford Trout Fishing Club will hold its next meeting on Thursday November 15th. Our guest speaker will be Brian Cowden ( Rusty Spinner) . Brian was recently awarded the prestigious Trout Unlimited's National Youth Educational Leadership Award, for his work with Trout in the Classroom. It...
On Thursday OCT 18th 2007 we will be having your monthly meet at the Cranford Community Center your guess speaker is
Aaron Jasper The Trout Predator, He will be talking about nymph fishing and rigging up your rod for nymph fishing
Trout Predator Online - The Most Informative Fly Fishing Site...
This Oct 13, 2007 the Cranford club will have a fishing outing were anyone who wants can come to fish and meet some of the guys or gals from the site. We will be meeting at 7am at KLG at the parking lot by the tressel bridge and then we will probably start fishing at 7:30am. Hope we can have a...